
Friday, April 15, 2011

Is Sugar Toxic? - Great Gary Taubes Article

I'm a big Gary Taubes fan. I devoured every word of "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and savored every morsel of "Why We Get Fat, and What to do About It". It's not that I was interested in losing weight, it's just that I was beginning to come to these conclusions myself. Then Taubes spells out the entire history of how mainstream dietary advice wound up where it is today. This current article is in the New York Times and is titled "Is Sugar Toxic?" Alex of Feed Me Like You Mean It had the link posted. Thanks Alex!


  1. Tracee - I have absolutely no doubt that sugar is toxic! Years ago, I read a 3 page article written by a Doctor and a Naturopath on the diseases related to sugar consumption.(wish I kept that article!) It was mind boggling to say the least. In the end, both the Doctor and the Naturopath said they would rather see someone smoke than to consume sugar! That is rather extreme, however, after reading all the other diseases they believe is linked to sugar, I can understand their comparison. Scary!

  2. Ina, It was Weston Price's book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration"(written in the 1930's) that really gave me the heads up on sugar. I thought that book was mind blowing, and impossible to argue with on the modern foodstuffs.

  3. hi! thanks for stopping by my blog! i really like your blog, how you also focus on research! i admit i'm a health nut and i research a lot into diet and nutrition. i used to believe sugar was toxic but have read abit of Ray peat's research. now i'm confused but playing the safe side, using less sugar and the healthier sugar/sweetener options instead. what do you think abt ray peat?

  4. Thanks, Shu Han. I have not read any of Ray Peat's work. I'll have to add it to my reading list.
