
Friday, April 15, 2011

And Now for the Terrible Two's....

It's my second blogiversary! Two years ago who would have thought a grain-free/refined sugar-free blog would have gotten over 75,000 hits? Thank you so much for following. And also a big thank you to my fellow bloggers who keep the gluten-free and grain-free community alive and thriving. It's so easy to find healthy recipes, ideas and support thanks to all of you.

If you have any suggestions for my blog or recipe requests, I can always use ideas.


  1. Congrats Tracee! All the best for you over the next two years too!

  2. Congrats Mrs. Ed!

  3. Congrats, and thank YOU for posting. And I can only chime in: what a great community. What to do without it? Here's to more blogiversaries. Yay! :-)

  4. Congratulations, my friend!

    I realy love your lovely blog & easy to make recipes! They never fail me! I wish you tons of inspiration & fun while blogging!! Yeah!!
