
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Strawberry Honey Butter (SCD)

This is a treat for your toast. It's a lovely pink color. Although I've never tried it, I highly suspect this would work well for a frosting too.

1/2 lb. Butter, softened
1/4 to 1/3 cup Honey
1 1/2 cups Strawberries

Mix butter and honey in a food processor until smooth and blended. Add strawberries and mix until blended.


  1. I love flavored butters - I've never tried strawberry butter but it sounds great. I've made herb butter for bread and to melt on meats. I think you're right - it would make a great frosting. It would also be the perfect gift.

  2. Thanks Amy! Post you herb butter, if you haven't already, it sounds good.

  3. I just discovered your beautiful blog, love the story of how you got the name and the "house" made by your 3 year old is the best! I will be back!

  4. Great blog! I am definately going to try this one out as a frosting - it's such an amazing colour.
