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Here is a list of links for blogs and articles.

SCD Legal/Illegal List
Making SCD Yogurt
Digestive Wellness (SCD Supplies)
Lucy's Kitchen Shop (SCD Supplies)
Honeyville (Almond Flour)
My Amazon Store Books I like. Check your local library, if they don't have a title many can get them through inter-library loan. To purchase books, try to support local businesses as much as possible.

Food Blogs:
101 Cookbooks (Whole Foods, Vegetarian)
A Foodies Fall From Grace (SCD)
A Year of Slow Cooking (Gluten-Free)
Against All Grain (SCD, Grain-Free)
Allergy-Free Vintage Cookery (GF)
Beth's Blog (SCD and other)
Cheeseslave (Weston Price, GAPS, Whole Food)
Comfy Belly (GF and SCD)
Comfy Tummy (SCD)
Cooking For Engineers (Food From Scratch)
Digestive Wellness (SCD)
Eat The Cookie (Gluten-Free, Grain-Free)
Eating SCD (SCD)
Elana's Pantry (Grain-Free)
Flip Cookbook (Gluten-free, SCD)
Food Allergy Coach (Gluten-free)
Food Renegade (Grain-Free, Gluten-Free, Whole Food)
Food Sensitivity Journal (Gluten-Free, Grain-Free)
For the Love of Food (GFCF, Soy-free)
Gluten-Free Delightfully Delicious (Gluten-Free)
Gluten-Free Easily (GF)
Grain-Free Foodies (GAPS)
Gluten-Free Goddess (GF)
Gluten-Free SCD and Veggie (GF, SCD)
Gut Food (SCD)
Heal-Balance-Live (SCD, Grain-Free)
Health Home & Happiness (GAPS)
Jan's Sushi Bar (Whole Foods)
Joyful Abode (Grain-Free)
Kalyn's Kitchen (Low Carb, Great Veggie Recipes!)
Kat's Food Blog (SCD)
Lillian's Test Kitchen (GF, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free)
Living Without (GF, Allergy)
Mark's Daily Apple (Primal, Grain-Free)
My Big Fat Grain-Free Life (SCD, GF)
My Cranky Gut (SCD)
No More Crohn's for Me (SCD)
Nourished Kitchen (GAPS, Whole Foods)
Nourished and Nurtured (GAPS, SCD)
Paleo Diet (Grain-Free, Dairy-Free)
Paleo Foodie (Paleo, Grain-Free)
Paleo Just Do It (Paleo, Grain-Free)
PecanBread (SCD for Kids)
Quirky Cooking (GF)
Rasa Malaysia (Asian)
Real Food Forager (SCD, GAPS)
Recipe Source (General)
Relish SCD (SCD)
Roost (SCD, Grain-Free)
SCD Database (SCD Site Links)
SCD Diet (SCD)
SCD for Life (Great SCD Recipes)
SCD Lifestyle (The cheerleaders of the SCD)
SCD Recipe (SCD)
SCD Recipes (SCD)
Simply Gluten-Free (GF)
Simply Gluten and Sugar Free (GF)
Souper Douper SCDer (SCD)
Straight Into Bed, Cakefree and Dried (SCD, GF)
The Cook's Thesaurus (Food Sustitutions)
The Dietary Adventures of Jilluck (SCD)
The Elysium Eatery (SCD)
The Food Lovers Primal Palate (Grain-Free)
The Gluten-Free Homemaker (GF)
The Healing Fork (Whole Foods)
The SCD Girl (SCD)
The Spunky Coconut (GFCF, Grain-Free)
The Tasty Altenative (Grain-Free, SCD)
This Primal Life (Primal)
Urban Poser (GAPS)
World's Healthiest Foods (A really cool Whole Food site)
Yogurt Love (SCD)
Your Lighter Side (Low Carb)
Z's Cup of Tea (GFCF, SCD)

Health and Diet Websites:
Beating Crohn's
Blood Sugar 101
Celiac Brain
Chris Kresser (health issues, diet)
Cooling Inflammation
Dr K News (about autoimmune issues, especially thyroid)
Essential Nutrients at World's Healthiest Foods (click on a nutrient and it will tell you which foods to choose)
Evolutionary Psychiatry
Feingold Association (see how food dyes affect behavior and health)
Food and Behaviour Research
Gluten-Free Registry (restaurnat search)
Gutness Gracious Me (gi research)
Healing Crow (SCD and Weston Price)
Healing Naturally by Bee (Candida)
Healthy Diets and Science (the research you don't hear about)
Healthy Eating Politics
Low Oxalate Diet
Medline Plus
Paleo Diet
Perfect Health Diet (what's pollinating in your area)
Roos Clues (fascinating blog on autism, auoimmunity, diet)
Safe and Effective Crohn's Disease Treatments
The (Dr. Thomas O'Bryan on gluten and Celiac research)
The Food Doc Journal (digestive issues)
The Food Rx Project (IBD)
The Gluten File
The Gluten (loaded with info)
The Intestinal Gardener
The Savvy Celiac
The Weston Price Foundation
Whole Health Source (food and obesity research)
World's Healthiest Foods

Support Groups: